Channel: Universal Audio
Category: Music
Tags: uad neve preampneve 1073 preamp vocalsuniversal audio pluginsmixingneve preampuad 1073spark pluginsuad 1073 pluginapollo thunderboltneve preamp 1073apollo audio interfaceaudio pluginsuniversal audio sparkuad apollouad pluginsuniversal audio apollouad spark pluginsneve 1073 preampmusic productionuad apollo twinuniversal audiouad spark
Description: Now available natively with UAD Spark for Mac (Windows coming Fall 2022): The Neve 1073 Channel Amplifier is easily the most revered preamp and EQ circuit ever designed. Introduced in 1970, this hallowed class-A, transistor mic/line amp with EQ epitomizes the beautiful "Neve sound," with unparalleled clarity, sheen, and bite. Now for the first time, you can track through the only authentic end-to-end circuit emulation of this legendary piece of audio history, with the Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection. Available for UAD-2 hardware & Apollo interfaces, and natively with UAD Spark. Learn More about the UAD Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- → Like Universal Audio on Facebook: → Follow @uaudio on Instagram - → Find @uaudio on Twitter: → Subscribe to UA’s YouTube Channel: → Learn more about Universal Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #UniversalAudio #UADplugins #UADspark